Thursday, July 27, 2017

there is no title to this one; just thoughts 0727

I didn't write (as much) yesterday. I wrote some ideas in regards to a story I want to do (there's a deadline of 8/25/17 at 11:50PM Pacific time for it!), watched NCIS reruns, and hung out with my best friend (whose birthday is this weekend).

I don't like feeling how I have been feeling the last few days, but that's how it goes for me...... I will get this surge of productivity and then, it'll putter out of existence. But it does eventually show up. And the cycle continues.

I did a typing test last night. It's a prerequisite for a job. I did well and now waiting for yet another phone interview before the actual face-to-face one. The pay isn't that great, but it will be weekly paid with paid parking downtown. And it's something to do in the meantime.

What I'd like to do is working remotely. Working from home would be great. I don't have to deal with people on a daily basis -- well, not deal with people face-to-face because let's face it: small talk is just the worst. It's a forced conversation between two strangers who really could careless what the other one feels.

If I could choose what to do, I would be a stay-at-home mom raising our children while writing on the side. My biological clock is ticking and it is ticking loud. And fast. We both want kids. He travels all the time, though, and we can't always get the timing right, either. And we don't have relations as often as we would like. But someday -- hopefully soon.

It's raining where I am. It feels absolutely drowsy and grey out there. The raindrops falling are going down straight due to lack of a breeze. It's a steady rain. Quietly blanketing the whole area until its drenched. Wet, sticky air, too. Humid. It's a peaceful yet sad feeling.

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