Friday, August 4, 2017

what to say...

I don't like shopping. Yes, I know. I'm a woman and I just said I don't like to go shopping.

For me, the reason why I don't like it is because it's too time-consuming. Even if I have a list of what I need to get, I rarely not leave a store without something I didn't intend to purchase.

Not only do I hate shopping, I loathe going clothes shopping or shoe shopping or anything related to shopping. Sometimes, I get antsy with book shopping. Or music shopping. I just don't have it in me to shop.

I can think of better ways to spend my time. Like reading, singing, listening to music, writing, drawing.... anything else but shopping, I will do.

And it isn't as if I don't have any patience because I do. It's the act of shopping. The act of making choices and trying not to second guess my choices. That is what I'm having a problem with maybe?

I'm not entirely sure. I would rather stay in bed reading a perfectly mediocre book than go shopping. I think this is why I find house hunting so annoying. Because in an essence I am shopping for a house.

.... and house hunting for a  house by a river is hard. And it has to have a great kitchen. And a room he can turn into his man cave.

But really --- I hate shopping.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Self doubt

did I make the right decision by accepting the first offer?

stuff and the like

If you and I talk in RL, then you know I've been looking for a job. And you would also know that I have had interviews and such, too.

So, I did get an offer from one. It pays $19.15 hourly for 40 hours a week and it is paid on a weekly basis. That's roughly about $37,999 annually. This position is similar to what I did at Covance, but in the same instance, it is not. It is through an agency (hence the weekly pay). I've done some research on the actual company and it looks like I'm actually getting paid slightly higher than if I were hired on directly; though, I do believe the pay scale depends on experience, and if I were to go from contract to permanent, my actual salary is going to be higher than most due to experience and such. They actually want me to start next week which is unheard of because they still have to do a background check and the like for me.... not entirely sure what's going on there. I know when I used to work for the US Mint, that I had to do a fingerprint session to obtain security clearance (and honestly, I don't know if that clearance is still valid).

Now, I have had other interviews with other companies, too. One is through an agency as well and it pays lower than the aforementioned job above, but the job itself is entirely different from what I used to do when I was with Covance. And the other job I interviewed with for a mortgage company that has not so stellar reviews on Glassdoor, but pays starting $30-$40 hourly, which is roughly $62,400 I think annually ((I know, I know -- I can check the math on this since I am on the Internet already, but I wouldn't want to be bogged down with numbers and the like))....

Today, I have two interviews slated. One is for a Program Assistant position and the other is something similar to Covance once again, but in actual facility like a hospital/clinic setting. The Program Assistant interview I don't believe I will be included in the next process of interviews because 1) I just woke up and was not as alert, 2) pretty sure she wasn't impressed with me whatsoever, and that's fine. But if for some reason I am included in the next steps of interviews, the start date for that is sometime in September.

All the other jobs have a later start date this month. I just don't know where I stand with them because I have yet to hear back.

I'm just not sure where I should go from here. It's good to have options, but that offer --- they want an answer by 2:30pm today.

I don't know if I should go ahead and accept or wait. But waiting may hurt me in the end because I honestly don't know how the others are thinking. Maybe I should flip a coin. Or just go with it. Not sure what to do. Just .... hmm...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


I woke up today and I didn't want to do anything. Like I laid in bed and thought to myself that I don't want to write, either. 

I have plenty to say, but most of my days now, I don't talk to anyone which I like. I like silence. Where is my salvation? From wanting to write as much as I was breathing to this... stagnant and unmoving. 

Not entirely sure what I need to do to jump-start my need to write. 

I'll give it a few, and sit back down again. To try later.