Sunday, April 17, 2016


Most of you know that I dream and very vividly I might add. Well, I happened to sleep last night though it was interrupted several times because I would wake up. Then fall back asleep feeling confused because I thought I was awake but ha, I was not. And look at that, I "wrote" down times and the dreams associated with it. Any dreamers on here know how to interpret?

121a I woke up because I thought you were here. I don't know who "you" is but I thought it was J because I fell asleep thinking of him and wanting to be held by him.

419a I woke up again because I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

550a I woke up for the third time because I heard something or someone saying something I couldn't make sense but there was an accompanying sound of whittling or scratching -I'm not entirely sure. I thought I heard someone say "mother" in informal Korean. Or it could be Chinese. Could be both. I don't know but I know for sure it wasn't Japanese.

801a I woke up to the name "dada" like a little kid was saying. A little boy to be more precise and I told the little boy whose name I said out loud "Johnny, daddy isn't here. Why don't you come in and cuddle with mommy?" And I swear I felt little hands go around my swollen belly followed by the cutest little boy voice telling me "it's okay mama, I'll be here to protect you and little sister." I felt him pat my belly and give me a wet kiss on the cheek, like he licked me.

This last dream I have been having but this time, it felt so real and waking up from it makes me sad, just a little. It's not an overwhelming sadness but sad enough to make tears appear unshed.

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